
Our booking team will connect you in less than 12h. We try to offer you an appointment within the next 2-3 weeks.

Of course, your flexibility also plays a role here. And for small tattoos (walkins) – we are always up. Give us a Call +4072.144.182

Welcome to Soundwaves Tattoo Studio

Book Your Next Tattoo

**IMPORTANT: if you find some difficulties submitting the form and you want to book an appointment, please write an email to contact[AT]tatuajeaudio.ro.

    Rezervarea va fi valabila dupa achitarea unui avand de minim 20% din valoarea tatuajului, in contul RO30 BREL 0005 5097 7306 0100, sau numerar la salon - Mircea Vulcanescu 12, Sector 1, Bucuresti.
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